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Reducing Your Energy Expenses With Green Energy

If you want to help the environment while saving money on your power bills, you might want to learn about green energy technology. Green energy technology isn't difficult or complicated to implement. Just do some research to learn what to do. Read on for some tips related to using green energy technology.

Rather than using an air conditioner during the summer, wear clothes that are natural. Fabrics such as cotton draw moisture from the skin, which allows you to stay much cooler. Wear lighter colors, as warmer colors make you feel warmer and more likely to put on artificial cold air.

Do not assume that green energies are too expensive. The initial cost can be high, but most states will give you interesting tax incentives if you invest in green energies. You will be saving a lot of money on your energy bills. Do the math for yourself, and you will find that green energies are not expensive.

Shading your windows from direct sunlight can help you use less energy. Shades or curtains can also help. Doing both these things will decrease your usage of the air conditioning during the summer because your house will be cooler. The result is a significant energy savings and money in your pocket!

Green living is not only about buying the right products, but it is about saving on energy when ever possible. When you are not in the room, take the time to turn off your ceiling fans to conserve energy and not waste power. If you are not in the room, there is no need to have the fan on.

Use curtains to assist you in keeping green. If it is summer and you want the room to stay cool, draw the curtains during the day so that the sun doesn't shine in. If it's winter, and you want the room to stay warm, open the curtains and let the sun into your room.

Are you still using oil heat? You could switch to a greener solution without replacing your furnace. Find a qualified technician to inspect your system and make sure you can switch to a biofuel. Biofuels are non-toxic, degradable and renewable sources of energy that you will be able to re-use.

Replace an old washing machine with a high-efficiency model for a greener way to do your laundry. High-efficiency machines come in both top-loading and front-loading designs that use less water than standard machines. They also spin clothes at high speeds to wring more water out of them, helping them dry faster.

Use electric heating sparingly in the winter. Wear several layers of warm clothes instead, and heat main rooms with a pellet stove or fireplace. Keep in mind that cooler air is better for your breathing while you sleep as it prevents your airways from becoming dry.

Consider using a solar oven to bake with. It's fairly easy to make a solar oven using a discarded window box lined with foil to reflect the heat. These makeshift ovens can achieve temperatures of 300 degrees or more with no help from traditional energy sources, and they are simple to produce.

People looking to go green would be wise to use oil lanterns to light up their homes. Oil lanterns don't use any electricity at all, and there are even some lanterns out there that will run on used vegetable oil that you can easily get from restaurants or your own kitchen.

You can save on your energy bill by dressing warmly. Wearing a sweater can make you feel two to four degrees warmer, depending on the thickness of the sweater. You do not have to wear a small amount of clothing at home, so put on a sweater and increase your savings.

Start carpooling to take care of many of your daily tasks. Don't think of it as just an option for commuting to work. Set up carpooling with other parents to get the kids to soccer practice or band camp. If you have family or friends close to you, try going to the grocery store together and taking turns driving.

The above tips and techniques will help consumers incorporate green energy into their life. Green energy can easily be implemented into consumer's lives using the aforementioned tips and techniques.